Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Old "Help-Meet" Rubbish

This entry is a combination book review and Bible study.

I recently had the misfortune to read Debi Pearl's book
Created to be His Help Meet. I had read bits of it before, excerpts, and also skimmed the whole thing; but recently I had the opportunity to read the entire book in-depth.

What a waste of four hours of my life. Honestly, I'll never get those four hours back, which would have been more successfully utilized in clipping my budgies' wings, or perhaps watching paint dry.

Extreme, I know... but so was this book. The general gist of it was that God created women to be a lowly servant to the man, and that we women can only find our true fulfillment in Christ by relinquish our own desires, skills, gifts, etc. and just living for our husbands. The author puts blame the woman for most of the problems in a marriage, and even goes so far as to say things like, "Have you done this? Well, shame on you!"

As if most women need even MORE things to feel shame over!

Most of all, her advice to women in abusive relationships is at best questionable, and at worst downright dangerous. Let me say it right here, plainly so that no one misses it:

If a woman is abused by her husband, it is always, always, ALWAYS, HIS fault and not hers.

There is NOTHING she can do that would "make" him abuse her.

If a husband abuses his wife, it is ALWAYS his conscious choice to... and it has NOTHING to do with whether or not she is "submissive" enough!

If you are in this situation, please get help and get out!

There, now that I've got that out of the way, I wanted to address the mis-translation that this whole book is based on. It is taken from the King James Version of the Bible, which I understand the Pearls use exclusively. The trouble with the good ol' KJV is that King James was Anglican, and he wanted to make SURE that this new translation of the Bible would make his subjects into good, obedient little Anglicans. So he made sure they put a distinctly Anglican spin onto it, including using cultural understandings of certain things, rather than going by what the scripture truly

The word that so many versions translate as "Help meet," "help mate," "helper," etc. is the Hebrew word "ezer." As it turns out, far from meaning "lowly helper" with a connotation of "servant," ezer has two root words which mean, respectively, "to rescue" and "to be strong."

So when God created Eve for Adam, he wasn't actually creating a servant. He was creating a "strong rescuer."

Not only that, but the other word that is part of that phrase -- the "mate" part of "help mate" is the Hebrew word "kenegdo" which is a word used only once in the Bible. Its meaning? Corresponding to, or opposite of. Used in other ancient Hebrew texts, it simply means "equal."

So we can learn from this that God created woman to be a strong rescuer of the man, and to be his opposite and complete equal. To correspond to him, to be parallel to him, and to complete him.

This was God's original purpose and intent for women. This was the way he created humans, for the male and female together to reflect His image... and then he said it was "very good." NLT even translates it as "excellent in every way."

And then they both had to sin and mess it all up -- and as part of their punishment (or possibly just a prediction; it is unclear in scripture), God tells the woman that her husband will dominate her.

Interesting, isn't it? that male supremacy entered the world when sin did!

Patriarchy was never God's original plan -- it's all the idea of sinful men who want to control and dominate. And sinful women, who want to be controlled and dominated, because they think this will please their husbands. Neither is scriptural, and neither is the way God intended a husband-wife partnership to be.

No matter what Debi Pearl says, her whole book is based upon a faulty interpretation of its most basic premise. With that in mind, I found very little in the rest of the book that was correct or useful either.

(The information about the Hebrew translations was taken from this article, and from the Net Bible. Check 'em out for yourself!)


Anonymous said...

I LOVE everything you said here! I am so glad that you pointed out the original Hebrew words "ezer kenegdo" when mentioning the intended purpose for us women. It breaks my heart to see wives who have been married for years and are brainwashed by their church, by their families and their husbands into thinking that their only purpose in life is to serve their husbands' every whim. They push aside the desires that God himself placed in them and live their lives based on a regular routine that happens daily. I hope your post is exposed to many many many people, men and women alike. I want to recommend a book, or rather bookS that I consider some of my favorites. They are called "Captivating" and "Wild at Heart" by John and Stasi Eldredge. Captivating is intended for the women and Wild at Heart is intended for the men, but I recommend that both parties read both books to gain a better perspective of their husbands/wives, fiances, boyfriend/girlfriend, or just the opposite sex in general. They are truly inspirational and I'll even go as far as to say they changed my life for the better. They are based completely on Biblical principles and are firmly grounded with proof. Thanks, I hope God blesses you abundantly for exposing the truth as it should be!

Abby said...

I've read Debi Pearl's book & got alot out of it. Like I believe you should do with every book you read, I read it while asking God for his perspective on the content. I had to sift through some of the "typical 50's housewife stuff" but was able to hear Debi's heart on the matter. Which, I believe, God created wives to honor, obey & be submissive to their husbands & husbands to honor, obey & be submissive to God. Does this mean us wives are lowly, second class citizens without a mind of our own? Absolutely not & I don't believe that's what Debi was saying. One of the things my husband loves most about me is that I have a mind of my own. I have very strong beliefs & opinions & I'm educated & self sufficiate & he loves that about me. But still the Lord created me to submit & support & encourage my husband not try to lead my family. Both jobs are equally important & necessary. Whether women like it or not this is the way God set things up. He did it for our benefit & his glory.

I lived the first year of my marriage doing pretty much the exact opposite of some of the things Debi touches on in her book. And both me & my husband were miserable! Granted he had his issues too that were contributing to the misery. But once I started putting into practing some of the things she recommends, I saw a change in both of us. Even if sometimes it was just a better attitude, it made our lives better.

I believe anyone who reads a book & turns it into their life, following & believing every single little recommendation without question or input from God is foolish.

As far as the abuse thing. Debi (or it may have been her husband Mike) specifically says that if a wife is being abused or asked/forced to do something illegal by her husband SHE IS TO LEAVE.

I've also read Captivating & Wild at Heart (LOVE THEM!). I belive John & Staci have hit the nail on the head & those books have greatly encouraged me & my husband! I would recommend them to anyone ~ single or married.